Friday, November 9, 2012

2012 Douchebag of the Year award goes to.....

And the 2012 Douchebag of the Year award goes to.............

Barry Soetero aka. Barrack Obama legally: Barrack Hussein Obama

Re-elected president of these "United" States, November 6th, 2012.  
Hello friends.

Why does Barry deserve such a distinction?  Well, allow me to explain.

JUST TODAY, (November 8th) the following events/news occurred/were reported.

1) Presidential statement regarding increased taxes and budget crisis.

The President invited the press in for a briefing, but didn't allow any questions.  Again, he is telling us that "he's in charge" and that he isn't interested in answering to the American people.  This is unusual in that traditionally, newly (re-)elected presidents want to make a lot of contact with the press to celebrate.  What is obama hiding?

President obama declared that he has been "re-elected with a mandate" to fix the budget problems of the USA.  He further declared that tax increases on the rich are the method that he intends to employ.  (despite the fact that this has been proven to be a strategy that will fail).

2) Administration invites the press in for a "closed door" briefing on Benghazi.

Gee, it's only been TWO MONTHS since our Ambassador was murdered in Benghazi.  Why the long wait?  Oh, I know, there was a presidential election.  Didn't dare have the press start to dig into that story while the election was still at stake.  Now that the election is over, and won!....we finally get the president and his administration to open up about their scandalous handling of this illicit affair.  I can't wait to see what kind of B.S. and spin emerges out of this malarky-machine.

3) Stock market dives immediately following president's remarks.

Not only did markets tank the day after the election, but again today, a nice bounce was squashed and all gains were lost the moment obama opened his mouth and spouted off about raising taxes.  By now it should be eminently clear to everyone: the president's plans are bad for business, ergo bad for America.  The stock market is an indicator of how people feel about the future of America.  When obama speaks, markets dive.

4) Government reveals secret attack on American aircraft - by IRAN!

OH!  How convenient that the Administration deemed this event - an attack on a U.S. military aircraft by a foreign power - to be a secret worthy of hiding until the election was over.  AGAIN, we see this filthy, corrupt administration playing politics in very dangerous ways.  They choose to hide facts that hurt them and in turn lie about events and hold hands with a complicit media in the cover-up.

Yet, despite all of this, our illustrative president Barry has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize!!  Wow, the irony of it all.

Just in case you didn't know: the Nobel Prize is to be distinguished from the word "noble".  Noble means:   possessing, characterized by, or arising from superiority of mind or character or of ideals or morals: LOFTY <a noble ambition> (Webster's)

The Nobel Prize, on the contrary, was established by a large endowment given in the name "Nobel".  Nobel was the name of the guy who established the prize money fund.  Not noble.  Noble would mean that something good was done.  Clearly, obama has done nothing to truly earn a "noble" prize.

Hence, I have chosen to give him the illustrious prize of "Duchebag of the Year".  I believe that this distinction better fits the man, Barry, that we have all gotten to know and loathe.

It is truly sad that the better man did not win in this year's presidential election.  But the one saving grace in all of this is that we'll get a chance to fix all of obama's errors in 2016.  Here's to 2016!!


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